Monday, February 13, 2012

You Could Be In ‘Spring Breakers’ With Selena Gomez

Calling all aspiring actors and actresses! Hollywood is looking for extras to join Selena Gomez, Vanessa Hudgens and Ashley Benson in their new chick flick ‘Spring Breakers.’ Do you have what it takes?
There’s no question Spring Breakers has one of the hottest casts in Hollywood right now! The movie, about four college girls who rob a restaurant to help pay for their college spring break, stars Selena Gomez, 19, her BFF Ashley Benson, 22, Vanessa Hudgens, 23, AND James Franco, 33.  And if you have the typical “spring break look,” are comfortable wearing “swimsuit attire,” and between the ages of 18 and 25 — you could easily join the cast, too.
“Because the film centers around Spring Break situations casting agents are looking extras that have that ‘Spring Break’ college look. They are seeking men and women who are comfortable in swimsuit attire. You must look 18-25 years-of age to apply as an extra for this project,” CBS Tampa reports.
Filming will take place in St. Petersburg and begin at the end of March.

If you’re interested, send an e-mail with a photo of yourself to with your name, sex and age in the subject line and phone number, e-mail and sizes in the body of the e-mail.

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